Thursday, July 12, 2007
From The Heart

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Well let me tell you more abou my shopping trip. I hit Gina K, Missy B, Wal-Mart and local scrap and stamp stores. I got my Prisma colored pencils and Gamsol. lots of DP and ribbon and had a hey day at the Mikes 1$ rack and that is just a start. I have not even made my first order from the new SU catty!!!!!!! OH yah I also finly bought myself a desk.
In other news I am viseting family in Oregon for the summer and the kids are haveing a great time hanging out with cousins and friend. they are all grtting so big and they are all very strong willed little stinkers!
we are going on the family's yearly camping trip this weekend and I will ley every one know how that go's but it should be a blast!!
new pics of the kiddos on our trip most of then are from the fouth of july, we had a pinic at the beach with my sister and her husband and my mom and dad and of my rugrats the fireworks were not much to behold but we had a wonderful time I could not ask for more right now every thing is good !!!!