So it starts today you will get sneak peeks and chances to win stamps that design team dose not even have yet!!!! so why not start the give away today!!!!!
you see the 3 peekies below they are the stamps that will be released may 25 and they could be in your hands right before then how great would that be!!!!!
I will randomly pick the winner on the 25 so good luck!!!!
adino day

It's Picnic Time!

Celebrate the Day!

Also, for this weeks release, there is a $5.00 off coupon on orders of $25.00 or more to the first 200 customers to order from H&M Stamps...all you need to do is enter this coupon code at the end of your order: HMDT42508
now for one more little tid bit of my own! the winner of my blog candy for the post below in is...............
Marisa said...
Cute picture of some gorgeous kids. They grow up sooooo fast, I wish I could freeze frame them sometimes!! A favorite thing to do with the family is play a game. Right now Sorry is the big game in our house and it can get pretty cut-throat! We also play Trouble and Uno and they are equally as cut-throat! Nothing like having a 7 and 9 year old ganging up on mom and dad to try to wipe us out! Lots of good laughs. Our annual special family outing is going to the water slides and I can honestly say I think I am the biggest kid there! We make it an all day even and have an absolute BLAST there.Glad you had a fun time away and thanks for the chance to win :)
congrats girl send me your info and I will get your goodies right out to you!!!!