this card was made late last night but the Idea for it came to me right before I "WAS" going to go to bed but then had to go stamp and you know how that is when the stamps call to you you have to go to them or the good stuff just dose not stick around for later!!!!!! all of the stamps an this card come from one of Bev's sets called old fashioned hay ride this set has sooooooo many cute images it is have to not try to fit them all in some were!!!!
this has to be one off my all time fav sets from H&M Stamps!!! I love cookies all cookies I think they are the only thing keeping me from shedding my last 20lbs of unwanted baby wait!!! this set is sure to give you many different kinds of cookies on no extra wait!!!!!
and this fun little bag uses natures style and I think it was a cool way for me to get out of my moms house with some super yummy walnuts!!!!! (yes I took them from mom) but to cover up the fact that I was stealing her spendy nuts I embellished the bag with a really huge piece of her new ribbon!!!! she did get after me for that!!!!!! anyways I think I am going to call it a night and go to bed!!!!
good night and
Sarah :D