I have been tagged and been asked to tell seven random things about myself so here go's
1- silly but I like to eat Ice cream in the dark not black dark but I don't even like it in the day light
2-when I can't sleep at night I sneak down stairs to see if the next SCS Challenge has been posted
3-I am for sure the most judgemental person that I know!!!
4- the sound of a baby laughing makes my heart skip a beat there is no better sound in the world
5- I hate washing cars what a bummer job to have to do that and unloading the dishwasher before I can clean the kitchen yuck!!!
6-I do not think that I could ever live with out RVR again I love fast forward and pause with almost four children I would never get to watch with out it
7-now that I am a mommy I think that the holidays are so much more fun I love to see there happy little faces!!!
now who do I tag..... I will tell you tomorrow!!!!